Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I called the real estate agent today and they haven't made any progress on my application. They just said they will let me know this afternoon. They haven't contacted or tried to contact any of my references. I know I was the first person to put in an application, and I have plenty of funds to get the apartment.

Which only leaves one thing. They are checking someone else's application first, or waiting for someone else's application. The problem with that is the only two other people to see the apartment were a couple and an indian guy. I have the money to get the apartment, lots of proof of it, and asked for it for tomorrow.

Are they waiting for the couple to apply, or checking their references first? That's illegal!

I could be being unfairly discriminated against as a single person. It's illegal to give an apartment in preference to a couple over a single person, whether it's because the couple has more paying power or not (this is indirect discrimination because it unfairly treats people based on their marital status). Real estate agents are meant to avoid this by processing applications in the order in which they receive them and picking the first suitable candidate.

I spoke to my receptionist who used to work for a real estate agent and she said they give preferential treatment to couples all the time.

If I don't get this apartment, I'll be asking them if the couple got it. If they won't tell me, I'll be ringing that doorbell in two weeks time and discreetly inquire if the couple is living there. If they are, I'll be lodging a case with the equal opportunities commissioner so they can investigate if I'm being discriminated against.

Real estate agents here try to protect themselves by refusing to tell you the reason your application was denied. It's unfair that as a human being we have such little control over one of the basic necessities of life (those being air, food, water, and SHELTER) and that that control is placed into the hands of someone who doesn't have to explain themselves.

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